General Rules

  1. Manuscript is suitable to Journal of Business Transformation and Strategy's Focus and Scope.
  2. The manuscript is an original work (no plagiarism) and has never been published before or is currently under consideration for publication in another journal.
  3. Manuscript should consist of 3000-6000 words (including tables, figures, and references), although manuscripts exceeding 6000 words could be considered
  4. Manuscript should be written in English using grammatical rules.
  5. Manuscript should be formatted as Journal of Business Transformation and Strategy template and saved as word file.
  6. Manuscript should be submitted through online submission

Structure of the Manuscripts


The title of the manuscript should not longer than 14 words, using sentence case, Arial Norrow 16pt, and centered


Humaidi1*, Setio Utomo2, M. Hasanur3 -> 11pt

1Business Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia ->10pt

2,3Business Administration, Diponegoro University, Indonesia ->10pt

*Corresponding Author:


Abstract: Please write an abstract in English of a maximum of 250 words. The abstract contains (1) research objectives; (2) the method used; (3) summary of research results; (4) conclusion. These instructions provide you with guidelines for preparing a paper for the Journal of Business Transformation and Strategy (JBTS). Use this document as a template if you use Microsoft Word. Otherwise, use this document as a set of instructions. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not include references in the abstract.→Abstract (11 pts)

Keywords: Enter your 3-5 keywords here; Keywords are separated by commas



The introduction must contain a general background and a literature review (state of the art) as the basic of new research question, main research problems, and the hypothesis. In the final part of the introduction, the purpose of the article writing should be stated. (11 pts)



Literature review articles contain an analysis and commentary of the publications on a specific area of research (latest trends 10 years). In larger subject areas, the review may point to significant works in that topic. However, new and emergent areas might have a small enough body of knowledge to be covered in its entirety. The purpose of the literature review article is to describe the general or condition of the topic under consideration and to analyze and critique the latest trends and developments in that topic. (11 pts).



Contains the research design used (methods, types of data, data sources, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, measurement of variables) written in the form of flowing paragraphs (not numbered). (11 pts)



Contains the results of empirical research or theoretical studies that are written in a systematic, critical analysis, and informative. The use of tables, figures is only as a support to clarify the discussion and is limited to supporters who are truly substantial, for example tables of statistical test results, images of test results of models etc. Discussion of the results is argumentative concerning the relevance of the results, theories, previous research and empirical facts found, and shows the novelty of the findings. (11 pts)


Figure 1. Example

Graphic The font type to be used in graphic or graphic content must be one that is commonly available in every word processing and operational system such as Symbol, Arial Norrow with a font size of not less than 9 points.


Table 1. Example

Font Size

Font Style

Arial Norrow




(two blank single space lines, 10pts)


Contains conclusions with extensive deprivation of the discussion of research results that are written briefly and clearly, showing clarity of the contribution of findings, sparking new theories and the possibility of developing research that can be done in the future. (11 pts)



The references used are listed in the alphabetical order of the author's name with the sample format (books and journals) as is common in the bibliography. The bibliography used last 10 years with 50% of journals, Examples of writing references are as follows. (11 pts)


The reference writing must be in accordance with APA (American Psychological Association) format. The references should use the primary sources (journals or books). Can use the Mendeley and Zotero application. (11 pt)